Service Clients : 01 45 76 40 50

Special General Conditions

Carte bancaire

By selecting payment by credit card, your payment will be processed via our secure SSL protocol from BNP Mercanet and your order will be immediately validated.


Paypal is known to be one of the most secure payment methods available. By selecting it when ordering, it will allow you to pay with your credit card, American Express or your personal PayPal account.


By choosing this payment method, you will be taken to a page where we will give you our IBAN. Make sure to indicate the order number as the reference of the transfer. The order will be processed as soon as we have your payment in our
account. If the products are in stock, it will leave the same day your transfer is visible on our account.

Payment at 30 days end of month for companies and administrations

We also have the possibility of opening an account with the SFAC. After acceptance from them, we will be able to grant you a payment period of 30 days at the end of the month. For administrations, opening an account is immediate, just send us your administrative order form by email to